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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Name: Matt

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Location: Austraia

Occupation: Stay at home dad (nice excuse huh)

Training Experiences: Back in high school i used to hit the weights every morning before school without fail, built up a lot of muscle and then stopped for a long time.Interests: Games, Pro Wrestling

Current Weight:

Height: 173cm (i think)

Goals: Would like to tighten al the loose muscle and would really like to have shoulder muscles (sorry i don't know the name) and decent sized biceps

I'm really not sure of what would be best for me to do to build the desired muscles so any help would be great
G'day g'day.
I'm currently just over 80kg, 172cm tall and about 18 - 22 % bodyfat (by estimation).
I'm 28 and i've been training with weights in some form or another for about 12 years. Started out at a local hardcore bodybuilding gym Muscles & Curves, run by Bob Hardy, ex- Mr Australia and Masters Mr Australia. Made a bunch of good friends there with the biggest dudes and spent my first 5 years training purely for size. Learned a lot, although not enough to convince me to train legs properly - but then I guess that's pretty common for a 19 year old. At my largest I was a pretty lean 84kg, but no legs. Classic chicken leg syndrome eh??
Well as most of the older more experienced guys would know, Bob killed himself about 5 years ago now. Everyone from the gym pretty much went their seperate ways. Until recently when I got my own home setup i've not really had the fire or passion to get serious about my weights training. Since the power rack went in downstairs i've been training with my partner who you'll all know from this site- El Freako - and i've managed to get pretty serious again, and i'm making good gains all round.
I'm back up to a solid 80kg, a little chubby, but getting real strong and finally got me some wheels! Torso and hip thickness has increased dramatically from heavy DL's and Squats, and now i'm starting to focus on bringing my arms and shoulders back up to match.
Squatting 150kg
Deadlifting 180kg
Benching 100kg
Because i've got a background in sports like surfing and boxing, and because most of my lifting has been high-rep hypertrophy stuff, i'm killer at reps but still struggling to get my low-rep strength up there.
I've got a mixed background - was a Police Officer in NSW for 2 years (01 - 03) and just this month am finally finishing my first degree - Exercise Science, focussing on Rehabilitation Consulting. I'm looking for a graduate job right now.
I'm married (4 years) and that's my back deck and my dog Cas you've seen in El Freako's videos. That's me spotting him too.
I don't know why I look up when I deadlift, I think it's a bit of a cue to keep my back in extension.

I came to this site for 2 reasons:

1. Got so freaking tired of people on other american sites like T-Nation - they're not interested in anything beyond voicing their opinion. I'm actually after some brain involvement.

2. El Freako told me about this site and it sounded pretty cool.

Have I written too much? Who knows, Hope i'm not another boring self-centred geek, and I hope i've got something positive to contribute to the site.


And The Ugly.

Alright a bit about myself. I joined this forum after spending alot of time reading through posts and learning alot. I've been training for a few years with free weights at home, as cross training for kiteboarding, surfing and other sports i enjoy. I love weight training and do it for both the physical and mental benefits. Earlier this year i decided to step it up and keep pushing myself, increasing weight, eating big, etc.
I'm really happy with my results and want to keep pushing it further. I look forward to using this forum and chatting to other like minded people.



This is Charlies..
Cool going guy currently staying in New york..
Playing poker is my passion and I love to play all the time.


Very nice lifts for somebody who reckons they don't have any low rep strength.

Where were you stationed?

Very nice lifts for somebody who reckons they don't have any low rep strength.

Where were you stationed?

I did some time in Paramatta, Tweed Heads, and then about 12 months in Armidale, north of Tamworth. I was pretty young to be a copper and living 7 hours from family and friends just all sucked too much.

I'm actually pretty happy with how the squat and DL are going. Bench has never been a strong point for me, but it's my long term goal for this coming year to hit 100kg x 3. I'd like to lean up and stay at 80kg too.
I've been doing it tough time wise for the last three years, working 20 - 30 hours a week at the hospital in a shitty casual job and going to uni full time. I'll be very glad to have more money and time to advance my lifting.

I'm very glad to have found this site too - everyone seems quite friendly and open minded about training. Actually a good little community going on.
hi from nudge

Hi all, I operate a smallish gym in bordertown sa. By joining ausbb I saved $300 on equipment from gymdirect. Thanks!
About Me :

Name- Sanjay
Age- 24
Location- New Delhi, India
Occupation- Business
Any Interests- fitness (yoga,weight training), Internet surfing (fitness information mainly),Eating healthy

About My Training -

Goal- weight maintenance,want to get hard and strong, NOT BIG!

How I found this forum-
I discovered this forum through a content monitoring service.

Why I joined-
To find a good workout routine, I have no clue about selection of exercises,what muscles to work on, etc etc., to stay motivated,improve my knowledge of weight training,learn from the experience of other weight lifters,ask questions here because the trainers in my gym are not very happy about me asking too many questions.

current training routine-

Basic relaxing Yoga poses @ home,

beginning to intermediate weight training (4 days/week)

chest,shoulder & back on day 1
biceps,triceps & lower body on day 2
cardio on day 3
rest day 4
day 5,6 & 7 - repeat

Cardio (2 days/week) @ local gym. Training chart given to me by the fitness counsellor in my gym. stopped exercising because it takes too much time 2-3 hours & I believe I'm not being given a good training routine by the gym.
Hi Guys, great to be a part of this forum
- Name: Paul
- Age: 44
- Gender: Male
- Location: Carrum Downs, Melbourne
- Training experience: 28 Years
- Any Interests: like Sport

I initially joined to promote my business's, but have really enjoyed contributing to the forum.

Not sure if I can mention my supplement stores on here so will wait to be asked. lol

Name: Leeroyyy
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Location: Gold Coast
Training Exp: 6 years

Current training: 2 to 3 days a week. If 2 days/week we do whole body. If 3 days/week we break it up legs and shoulders, chest and bis, back and tris.

I joined to get more info on lean bulking, supps, etc. I've been seeing my PT for about 6 years and made some awesome progress.
- Name Dean
- Age 29
- Gender M
- Location NW coast, Tasmania
- Training experience A couple of months on the stronglifts.com/starting strength program
- Any Interests: Motorbikes, sailing, fishing.

I found this forum, from another forum. My goals at the moment are simply strength gain and fat loss!