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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Welcome to the forum

Admin here but please call me Graeme

I would like to welcome you to the Ausbb- Australian BodyBuilding Forums, Good to have you all on board. Don't forget to start your own Training Diary. Your Training Diary will help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress. When you train alone sometimes it is hard to get help, guidance, inspirtation and motivation which is where the Ausbb forums and the Ausbb Training Diaries will help you with finding others with similar stats and allow you to interact with each other.

* Click here to start your own training log (don't forget to put a link in your signature to your training diary).
* Once you have started your Training diary click here to add it to the lists (order by weight and order by age) this helps other guys find your log
OK decided to stop lurking and start posting. Came to the Introduce Yourself section for the first time and was a bit freaked out to find the intro thread has my name in the title. That is very weird.

Anyway here I am.

Age: 40yo
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 75kg
Gender: Male
Location: Sydney
Experience: About 4 years

Regret wasting my physiological prime but so glad I finally started training in mid 30s. Not huge and not ripped but doing my best to be both in the future - preferably at the same time!

Still so much to learn
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- Name Adam
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Albury
- Training experience (if you have any that is) None, Very new to training!
- Any Interests My main interests are working out and computer!
- Occupation I don't have any right now!
- Why i joined AusBB I joined because, i find it much easier to communicate and ask questions to people who are in Australia, Instead of asking on other Forums which are mostly other Countries!
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Location: Sydney
Training experience: (if you have any that is) A couple of months at the local Gym about 5 years ago but hated training with/around other people so gave up on it.
Interests: Motorcycles, reading, Construction (currently studying Construction project management at Uni), doing things with my own two hands and sleeping.
Occupation: Varying roles in a construction company
Why i joined Ausbb: I need some advice on the most cost efficient equipment to start training with. Still haven't got a training program so will be doing some reading on that as well.
Goals: To achieve a level fitness that i can be happy with and train consistently. I am trying to maintain my body weight but turn the fat to muscle
Have no room + renting where i am living now but i will have over 100sqm of space to fill with all the equipment i could ever need/want in a months time so will be starting training once Ive moved and purchased equipment.
Hi guys,

Name: Andrew

Age: 29

Weight: 68kg

: Male

: Melbourne

: software developer and planning to be a part time PT
Training Experiences: 1.5 years training experience. did stronglifts 5x5, had very good result from that. squats increased from 70kg to 120kg. deadlifts from 60kg to 100kg. But has to switch to 531 now.

Any Interests
: Tennis, badminton.

Why come to this Forum: was googling about where is the best fitness course at melbourne. and read the post by lizzyjean and responses from Kyle Aaron. and after waited 40min on the phone to RMIT, was told, they don't have course in fitness. so here i am, hope to get further help.

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Name: Michael (mikey)

Age: 23

Gender: M

Location: Canberra, Australia

Occupation: Telstra, (If you have any unresolved issues, shoot me a PM ill see what i can do.)

Past Professions: Security Guard

Training Experiences: Training for approx 4 years with a range of different style people

Interests: Anything with a motor (Currently a 450 dirt bike)

Current Weight: 123kg

Height: 183cm

Goals: Loose weight to about 105kg and gain strength

Progress: about 3 years ago i lost about 27kg in 6 months, although was quite unhealthy. eg, Taking Duramine and eating basically a banana and 100g chicken each day.
After a change in job and relationship issues i got stressed and started packing the weight back on, and discovered i also have 3 bulging discs in my neck.
I'm currently back and focused and trying out intermittent fasting and training 4-5 times a week with a dirt bike ride on the weekend (anyone who rides will understand how psychically hard dirt bike riding is)
I've lost 8kg since starting intermittent fasting (123kg down from 131kg) and my strength is on its way back up.
Name: Dan

Age: 29

Weight: 75kg

: Male

: Melbourne

: Accountant.

Training Experiences: Was a every day gym goer in high school but didn't know anything about food so stopped getting stronger at some point. Went to schoolies, gym slowly stopped happening during uni then I peaked at 105kg sitting on my arse behind a desk.

Any Interests

Why come to this Forum: I've lost 25kg since Jan and am now weak as shit. Clearly I did it wrong and want to get stronger but not fatter. The info on here is already helping.
- Age: 27
- Gender: M
- Location: VIC
- Training experience (if you have any that is): sports for 12+ years, lifting on and off for the past 5 years, serious lifting (minimum 5 days a week in the gym) for the last 1.5 years
- Any Interests: Computer geek and hunter/gatherer
- Why you joined Ausbb: To learn, read, educate myself, hopefully provide a positive contribution
May go in to more detail a little bit later, just a little iffy about providing too much detail about myself online..
Name: Kurt

Age: 22

Gender: M

Location: NSW Australia

Occupation: Bar attendant

Past Professions: bit of everything

Training Experiences: nothing

Interests: Computer Gaming ,Fishing,Animals

Current Weight: 74

Height: 5.10


Currently trying to lose Belly fat! gain muscle !
Name: Mitchell
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Location: Brisvegas
Training Experince: going on four years - competed in 1 INBA competition

My goals are total Raw Elite and to win an open bodybuilding class. Currently, my focus is on powerlifting and I plan to compete in my first meet earlier next year and then several more after that. I am still learning a lot about powerlifting and any pointers would be nice, especially technique wise. If anyone has any questions about what contest prep is like feel free to ask as I only competed 5 months ago.