For a restful sleep, I've got two ingredients to share with the forum. One is the sweet stuff, and the other is an adaptogen that would put a smile on your face once you get up in the morning.
The sweet stuff? It looks like sugar, tastes like sugar, feels like sugar in your mouth..., so it must be sugar right? Wrong, this sweet stuff is none other than that sweet amine, the amino acid glycine. I've taken it for the health of my connective tissue, as this is the stuff (the gelatinous stuff) that sits on top of a bone broth that's been slowly cooking overnight then cooled. It's that jelly looking stuff, that's what's full of the amino acid glycine..., ask the paleo people, they'd know exactly what we're talking about here.
In addition to reducing the fire (your inflammation), and building your connective tissues up, it serves to calm you down for a good night sleep.
The adaptogen I was referring to that would also clear your mind and ease you into sleep is ashwagandha. You just need to be careful with this one according to the brand, as some would really depress your mind, and by that I don't mean make you feel depressed, but rather it over does it with the sedation factor, that upon waking, instead of having a smile on your face, you just want to go back to bed.
For the interested, ask me and I'll point out which brand does what for you (or me as was the case).