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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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  1. D

    Rubber coated plates with steel inserts

    Hi all, Does anyone have any recommendations? I've got cheap rubber ones that leave black crap all over my hands and my barbell sleeves when I slide them on and off. These seem to be the best I can find http://aussiestrength.com.au/strength-equipment/weight-plates/rubber-coated-weight-plates.html
  2. A

    What are you guys doing for your grip strength?

    What are you guys doing for your grip strength?
  3. John Cena 611lb squat

  4. Wanker's Hand

    Have any of you lot had experience with "Dupuytren's contracture"? I first noticed the annoying little lump in July. I haven't been doing any lifting since before that time (due to an unrelated medical issue), but it gets annoying pushing a lawnmower, so I would imagine it wouldn't be too good...
  5. R

    Strength Training

    Hey everybody, i'm a road cyclist and i want to do Strength Training to improve my power, strength and explosivness. The last months i've done Starting Strength. So i have weight lifting experiences and a solid base. Currently the most important thing for me is to become more explosive but the...
  6. S

    Planks vs. Weighted Sit Ups

    Do you feel planks have any value for ab strength, or am I better off sticking with weighted sit ups?
  7. Your diet.

    Just curious PL's how you determine your diet? Do you adjust cals accord to strength gains or weight gain? How do you balance eating enough to gain strength but not too much that you get fat? Or perhaps you don't care how fat you get as long as you get stronger?
  8. A

    What are the common injuries in grip training?

    What are things to be careful of in grip training? How do you prevent these injuries?
  9. A

    How many of you record your lifting progress and how many go by "feel"?

    Carrying that little black book around in the gym or just grabbing that weight, seeing what feels right, and completing the set.
  10. Rep cadence

    How long does it take you to perform 10 rep's on the bench press? 60 seconds 90 seconds 120 seconds
  11. A

    Lee Priest Gives PCT Advice to Bodybuilders

    Post cycle therapy, or PCT, is a very serious matter. A lot of guys can lift plenty of weight after a cycle of steroids, but have a lot of difficulty raising something else in the bedroom. One reason I steer well clear of the good stuff. Lee never denies his steroid usage, so he will have no...
  12. J


    Who here lunges? Ive started doing them (after never really doing them before) after my skuawts, they really are a next level vomit inducing suffering.
  13. A

    Dorian Yates 1992 Mr. Olympia, 1st

    Height: 1.79 m (5 ft 10 in) Off Season Weight: 132 kg (290 lb) Competition Weight: 119 kg (260 lb) Arm Size: 53 cm (21 in) Leg Size: 77 cm (30 in) Waist Size: 86 cm (34 in) Calve Size: 56 cm (22 in) Chest size: 145 cm (57 in)
  14. A

    people who workout to help with anxiety or depression:

    people who workout to help with anxiety or depression: do you find that it has to be a certain level of intensity or a certain type of workout, for it to work?
  15. E

    I hurt my bloody shoulder....

    So finally started making progress with bench, getting a bit heavier (for me), and starting to see a difference Then, bloody incline bench, too much too soon and got a twinge in my right shoulder. Stopped, felt ok, took all the weight off and lifted the bar, to try and "feel" what was going on...
  16. A

    Has anyone here bulked without counting calories? If so, how did it turn out?

    Has anyone here bulked without counting calories? If so, how did it turn out?
  17. W

    Taking Inzer Lever Belt in Carry-On Luggage on International Flight

    I'm going overseas for a few weeks, and taking my Inzer Forever Lever Belt with me in my carry-on luggage. Has anybody had any problems going through security with a weightlifting belt? Will it be allowed or not? Any advice would be appreciated. As a caveat, I'm not checking any luggage, so I...
  18. H

    How Important to sleep is weight loss & Gain

    Hi All, Pretty easy one here but wondering how important everyone considers sleep to weight loss and gain. I know guys that sleep 6 hours a day and still get fine progress yet I know others that do the same and show nothing this goes both ways with loss and gain! Any thoughts ?
  19. Measurement recording app?

    So after an extended lay off due to injury, I'll be getting back into the swing of things soon. I want to know if anyone has any recommendations for an iPhone app to store and track my measurements (legs, arms, waist etc) and weight. I'd prefer not to buy a full gym app because I have no plans...
  20. H

    Question: For Skinny People Wanting To Bulk Up...

    What is your most pressing issue regarding trying gaining weight? What are you the most afraid when it comes to trying to gain weight? What would you like to see happen?