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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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Hi everyone thanks for the warm welcome here is a bit about myself...

- Name - Pscarb
- Age - 43 yrs young
- Gender - Male
- Location - Plymouth UK
- Training experience (if you have any that is) - 25yrs training, started when i was 18yrs old, i have used many different training approaches from DC to higher volume regimes.

- Any Interests - outside of BB guess it is just my family really (1 daughter, 2 sons)

i joined after i received a ping back from the site on my Team Pscarb site, came over and liked the threads i read.....

my goals now is to basically improve on my weak points then return to competition in 2-3yrs and win the NABBA Britain

i have been competing since i was 21yrs old, i have competed at every level in NABBA, last year i competed in the NABBA Britain(4th), Worlds(6th) and Universe(9th) i semi retired after the Universe to concentrate on my family and as i am a recently qualified NABBA judge (2011) i wanted to do this now for a few years......

i am Admin or MOD on a few UK forums (UKM, UKIron) i coach both off season and pre comp Bodybuilders both male and female.......

thanks for the warm welcome.......
Hi [ausbbyou] and welcome to ausbb

Welcome [MENTION=16527]mcgregs[/MENTION]; & [MENTION=16525]pscarb[/MENTION];

Sent from my iPod touch from Pluto
Hi everyone thanks for the warm welcome here is a bit about myself...

- Name - Pscarb
- Age - 43 yrs young
- Gender - Male
- Location - Plymouth UK
- Training experience (if you have any that is) - 25yrs training, started when i was 18yrs old, i have used many different training approaches from DC to higher volume regimes.

- Any Interests - outside of BB guess it is just my family really (1 daughter, 2 sons)

i joined after i received a ping back from the site on my Team Pscarb site, came over and liked the threads i read.....

my goals now is to basically improve on my weak points then return to competition in 2-3yrs and win the NABBA Britain

i have been competing since i was 21yrs old, i have competed at every level in NABBA, last year i competed in the NABBA Britain(4th), Worlds(6th) and Universe(9th) i semi retired after the Universe to concentrate on my family and as i am a recently qualified NABBA judge (2011) i wanted to do this now for a few years......

i am Admin or MOD on a few UK forums (UKM, UKIron) i coach both off season and pre comp Bodybuilders both male and female.......

thanks for the warm welcome.......

Welcome pscarb, Good to see a man of experience
Hi everyone. Been lurking for a while and thought I’d better post an intro!

Name: Andrew

Age: 30

Gender: M

Location: Living the rural lifestyle approx. 1 hour outside Canberra

Training experience: Have trained on-and-off for the past 12 years. Started training at 18 at the Train Station Gym in Bankstown. After a few years I set up a gym at home. Kids came along, moved house a few times, etc and weight training took a back seat. Have now set my gym up at my new place and have been back into the training for a little over 12 months.

Currently weight is around 105kg. Lifts are 115kg x 3 bench press, 70kg x 3 overhead press, 120kg x 3 squat, 145kg x 3 deadlift. Squat and dead need work.

Interest: I’ve got 3 kids, twin boys and a daughter. I love rugby league, big Wests Tigers fan. I currently coach my boys under 7’s rugby league team.

I joined Ausbb after finding the forum during the recent supplements saga. I’m interested in learning more about weight training / bodybuilding. Main goals at this stage are to continue to improve all of my lifts, build muscle, lose fat, all the usual stuff I guess!
Name - Craig

Age - 23

Gender - Male

Location - Rockhampton (Training at Rockhampton Fitness Centre)

Training experience - I've been going to the gym for about a year, but I've only taken my diet and training seriously over the past 8 months. I started out about 91kg, and cut down to 77kg (around 14-15%bf?) but I still looked shit and didn't really put on much muscle because I was cutting so I've decided to clean bulk up to around 85kg and see how I look from there.

Interests - As nerdy/geeky as it sounds, I'm into Starwars costuming..

I found ausbb after researching clen and reading the guide a few months ago (still looking for sources ;) )
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Hi guys,

My name's Alex, I'm 24, from Tassie, spending most of my time in Darwin.

No training experience, looking to build strength for judo and just general wellbeing. Not being scrawny would be a bonus too I guess :P

Joined AusBB because I'm looking to get some form tips, mostly.
Thanks Admin!

Welcome to Ausbb - Australian Bodybuilding,MarcusAAS

Hope that you enjoy your stay here at Ausbb , Introduce yourself , look around , ask some questions or just hang back in General Chat

Guys, first of all a great site with lots of keen members - works well and functionally nice - just one thing? how do I post photos and files with the text box?

MD by trade and gym junkie for over 20 years so its a one hell of a mix lol. I'm on hand for advice and guidance for any level or application - no such thing as a stupid question.

Go hard!
Guys, first of all a great site with lots of keen members - works well and functionally nice - just one thing? how do I post photos and files with the text box?

MD by trade and gym junkie for over 20 years so its a one hell of a mix lol. I'm on hand for advice and guidance for any level or application - no such thing as a stupid question.

Go hard!
Welcome to the forum [MENTION=16577]MarcusAAS[/MENTION];

To post a pic, click on reply to thread and look for the "paper clip". it will direct you to upload a pic or just read the instructions in this thread.


alternatively you can host it via Photo and image hosting, free photo galleries, photo editing
Name - Craig

Age - 23

Gender - Male

Location - Rockhampton (Training at Rockhampton Fitness Centre)

Training experience - I've been going to the gym for about a year, but I've only taken my diet and training seriously over the past 8 months. I started out about 91kg, and cut down to 77kg (around 14-15%bf?) but I still looked shit and didn't really put on much muscle because I was cutting so I've decided to clean bulk up to around 85kg and see how I look from there.

Interests - As nerdy/geeky as it sounds, I'm into Starwars costuming..

I found ausbb after researching clen and reading the guide a few months ago (still looking for sources ;) )

Another CQ lad, welcome, I am sure there would be many people to chat to about supplements at norms...
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the intro!

Name: Shannon
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Location: Sydney
Training experience: Limited... Been thrashing my guts out in gyms for a while but only recently realised I was doing it all wrong...
Any Interests: Anything sport really

Joined ausbb after a mate sent me a link or 10 and I started lurking around so thought it was only a good thing to join up!
Basically just starting out in all this and looking to gain strength and some size, play AFL locally so it is only a good thing to bulk up over the off season... Let's hope the preseason training will help me cut though :)

- Name - Jordon
- Age - 15
- Weight- 70kg
-Gender - Male
- Location - South Aust.
- Training experience - 1 year and 5 months
- Any Interests - Lifting heavy and seeing results
- Name - Ben
- Age - 35
- Gender - Male
- Location - Perth
- Training experience (if you have any that is) - Many years of intermittent and wrong training without any real goals in mind. returning this year after approx 6 years without any serious training due to parenthood and husbandhood.
- Any Interests - Outdoors, family, Motorcycles, Obviously health and fitness

Joined AusBB for a bit of a look and see what everyone's doing in the world of heavy things these days. Also to see if the magic pill of awesome has been made yet.

Do you have any goals in mind? I have been training with moderate consistency since march in a power-lifting gym (PTC) looking at improving my strength and loosing a fair amount of bf% over the next 12 to 18 months.
Are you looking to start training? I am training.
Are you trying to gain or lose weight? Lose weight, get strong, ravage women, eat animal.