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What do you guys think of PPP? I'm just looking for something simple. I'm thinking of doing it for the 3 main lifts plus overhead press 4 days a week with hypertrophy/assistance whatever as well.

This is what I've put together:

Squat PPP
Quads Split squats 3 x 15-20
Leg extensions 4 x 15-20
Leg press 2 x 15-10
Bi's Standing DB curls 3 x 10-12
Incline DB curls 3 x 10-12
BB curls 3 x 10-12
DB Hammer curls 3 x 10-12
Calves Standing calf raises 10 x 15-20 2 sets done in a row with <30sec rest
Hammies Nordics 3 sets AMRAP
SLDL 3 x 10-12

Bench PPP
Tri's Tricep extension with rope 3 x 10-12
Tricep extension 3 x 10-12
CGBP 3 x 10-12
French press 4 x 15-20
Shoulders Seated DB press 3 x 10-12
Face pulls 3 x 15-20
Lying DB external rotation 1 x 20-25
Cable rear delts 3 x 15-20
Forearms DB farmers walks 3 laps of gym, 100m maybe
Barbell side holds 3 each arm
Wrist curls 3 x 15-20
Back Rows 4 x 10-12
Extensions 3 x 12+

Deadlift PPP
Back Rows 4 x 10-12
Extensions 3 x 12+
Bi's Standing DB curls 3 x 10-12
Incline DB curls 3 x 10-12
BB curls 3 x 10-12
DB Hammer curls 3 x 10-12
Calves Standing calf raises 10 x 15-20 2 sets done in a row with <30sec rest
Forearms DB farmers walks 3 laps of gym, 100m maybe
Barbell side holds 3 each arm
Wrist curls 3 x 15-20

Chest Incline DB press 4 x 10-12
Bench Press 4 x 15-20 @ 70-80%
Hammer Strength 4 x 15-20
Tri's Tricep extension with rope 3 x 10-12
Tricep extension 3 x 10-12
CGBP 3 x 10-12
French press 4 x 15-20
Quads Split squats 3 x 15-20
Leg extensions 4 x 15-20
Leg press 2 x 15-10
Hammies Nordics 3 sets AMRAP
SLDL 3 x 10-12

2-3 minutes rest between sets for PPP, <1 minute for assistance. I'm pretty much just looking for more volume than what I'm currently doing. The plan is to train every body part at least twice per week. My gym has limited equipment so these are all exercises I'm able to do and enjoy.

Does it look OK? I've got a cruise coming up in a bit over a year so I'm also going to do 20 mins of cardio at the end to drop some pud.

Thats a lot of volume, although it's only four days. PPP is Markos's program yeah? You looking for strength or hypertrophy? How hard that volume is to get through will depend on the level of intensity/weigh used I suppose. I could see them easily being 2 hour sessions.
This looks like a LOT of volume, on your squat day you are going to be doing PPP which is 5-6 sets then I think i counted 37 sets of other work. Add in some time for warm up and mobility and this is gonna be a long workout. If you are conditioned to that sort of volume then go at it but like Repacked said above the weight and intensity on he accessory work would probably need to be relatively low to get through this is less than 2 hours.
Thats a lot of volume, although it's only four days. PPP is Markos's program yeah?

Yeah I'd like to keep it to 4 days. Yep Markos's program.

You looking for strength or hypertrophy?

Bit of both I guess, is that possible? So PPP for strength but the other hypertrophy/assistance stuff to help with getting stronger.

How hard that volume is to get through will depend on the level of intensity/weigh used I suppose. I could see them easily being 2 hour sessions.

I was hoping to get it done in around an hour (1/2 hour for PPP and 1/2 hour for the rest), + 20 mins of cardio would get me out the door in 1 1/2 hours. Maybe I was dreaming.

Without expecting you to spend much time on it, what would you cut to reduce the time?


Yeah don't want to be doing 2 hour sessions. The plan was to do supersets where possible to save time but probably wouldn't save enough.

Certainly not conditioned to that sort of volume at the moment but I feel like I'm not getting enough volume. It's not easy to fit it all in in 4 days either.

Without expecting you to spend much time on it, how would you shorten the workouts?

Lighten the weight and have less rest or supersets as you say but I think it will take away from what the program is set out to achieve
Can you explain why you think that will happen please?
I don't believe the program is designed to be supersetted or rushed thru with lighter weight. Its designed to pack a lot or volume in even if it takes long sessions. If you don't like that idea then give it a go and see how it pans out for you or perhaps find another program
What are your lifts like at the moment?

I can grind out a 180kg dead, 100kg bench and 70kg press. Progress has virtually stopped so that's why I'm looking for something else. Bit of a knee issue at the moment so haven't squatted in a while so I was going to start low and see how it goes. Already seen physio about it but will go back.

For PPP, I was planning on maybe 190kg for dead, 110kg for bench and 75kg for press.

I should also add I'm on the wrong side of 40. Couple of minor issues but nothing major, is this amount of volume a good idea?

Finding another program is the hard part! I've spent so many hours Googling it's doing my head in. Maybe I'm overthinking it but I was trying to set it out so for example some bench assistance was done on bench day but also on another separate day.
Bit of both I guess, is that possible? So PPP for strength but the other hypertrophy/assistance stuff to help with getting stronger.

Sure, you will get a bit of one with the other, just maybe not as much over time as focusing purely on one outcome.

To me that seems optimistic, but you know you. If you're relying on the volume at a lesser intensity as the mechanism for hypertrophy you might be able to power through it but you will have to change that at some stage. To reduce time I'd reduce the amount of exercises and focus on quality stimulation at a higher intensity. Or if you migrate from one end of the spectrum to the other over a time you're knocking on the door of that periodisation thingamejiggy.
The layout of the exercises/days is quite random. Have a look -

Monday: Quads, Hams, Bis, Calves

Tues: Pecs, Tris, Delts/Traps, Back, Forearms

Thurs: Deadlifts, Back, Bis, Forearms, Calves

Fri: Delts, Pecs, Tris, Quads, Hams, DL variation

There are a couple of exercises I'm not familiar with which I haven't included also. These could be much more logically grouped. When you apply the number of reps for each movement also the volume is very high.

Allocating your 3 x AMRAP 3 x 12 reps (for the sake of a number, it may well be more or less), you have weekly reps of minimum 382 to maximum 484 just for legs. Now granted that legs may be worthy of higher volume than other body parts, but are they going to be 484 useful reps? I don't know; you could be a 5 foot 85kg squatting machine for all I know, but that's a lot of volume. I don't know if the order you have written the exercises in is the order you would perform them, but maybe review the order of exercises within specific days and over the week. I think you could rationalise and re-order what you have outlined above to be more effective.
From PPP re assistance exercises:

'Performing 3-4 sets on 3-4 exercises with around 5-12 reps is plenty. Keep the rest periodsdown to 60 seconds, really push these.'
This sort of volume looks a little like the crazy volume I used to lift.
Sure, good for gains provided you're eating enough but not sustainable for more than 6 weeks at a time.
I'd crash, have to have a week off then start up again. I got used to it eventually but I developed some problems in my knees and elbows from overuse.
I loved high volume, but I can't see myself doing it again given how hectic my life is. Workouts would sometimes go past the two hour mark.
Now, I do 3 workouts a week, all 1 - 1.5 hours where I hit everything I feel I need to, completing both hypertrophy and strength work.
I've always designed my own programs, but grabbed elements from others that I feel suit my requirements.
When I am bulking I train 4 days a week, when cutting 3 days a week. I'm 18 years old, normal test and use dexamphetamine daily.
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The simplest way to find out if this will work for you is too just try it for 6 weeks. If the workout is getting too long or you feel like you are just going through the motions with some exercises because you are already fatigued then drop an exercise that you feel isn't useful. Just make sure you are eating shit loads and sleeping.
I see a minor problem with the training program so I have fixed it for you below:

Monday: squats

Tuesday: bench

Thursday: deadlifts

Friday: front squats, any one hamstring exercise, one shoulder complex, one arm complex, one back exercise, abs (anything but crunches), calves to finish.

Mon-Saturday: eat no shit.
Sunday: have one meal where you eat anything you want.

Cardio: put yer fukkin plates away. Go for a walk.

Let me know if you need more detail.