hopefully this will be informative,there is a website on the net which does cover pretty much all the well known programs but i thought it would be interesting to get the opinions of peeps here.
program reviews
Not entirely mate. I disagree.thanks for ur reply fadi.
I think that table is a bit off. For me personally in the weight class i competed in(93 kgs or 205 pounds) an elite total would be 300 squat 200 bench and a 300 dead. The definition of elite in my book would be someone who could go to the Worlds and be able to hang in their category.
Not entirely mate. I disagree.
Because you are not factoring in the competitors who have not bothered or been able to turn up.
Winning a single competition doesnt make you elite. Winning Several competitions does.
Guys who keep showing up, and keep winning.q
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Besides, its a strength comparison. Not a competing comparison, dont confuse the two.
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thanks for ur reply fadi.
I think that table is a bit off. For me personally in the weight class i competed in(93 kgs or 205 pounds) an elite total would be 300 squat 200 bench and a 300 dead. The definition of elite in my book would be someone who could go to the Worlds and be able to hang in their category.