Due to popular belief these to exercises are not the same and one is a bastardised form of the other due to people being impatient and trying to add weight before perfecting form.
the SLDL is an example of an exercise where you must start light as opposed the the Ukrainian version.
due to the mechanics of the UDL a lot of weight can be moved, but you must be careful although being a terrific hamstring developer it can cause a lot of trouble with the it band, most think it’s their back, but in most cases the it band is irritated.
do the SLDL right and you’ll notice your low back will get stronger and you’ll start seeing those pythons crawling up you back.
the SLDL is an example of an exercise where you must start light as opposed the the Ukrainian version.
due to the mechanics of the UDL a lot of weight can be moved, but you must be careful although being a terrific hamstring developer it can cause a lot of trouble with the it band, most think it’s their back, but in most cases the it band is irritated.
do the SLDL right and you’ll notice your low back will get stronger and you’ll start seeing those pythons crawling up you back.