My gym is sending a team to the world championships this year.
My gym also just had 2 teens total well over 700kg at a national event.
A lifter from my gym just won the Australian nationals, broke 4 aus records and 4 world records.
My gym doesn't have a leg press...... We do alright.
People will wait for upto an hour to use the leg press at our gym.. the free weighted one that is.. madness I tell you.
What is a leg press? I thought it was something used by the injured/geriatric to build up enough strength to squat with an empty bar on their back.
Try telling that to Dorian.What is a leg press? I thought it was something used by the injured/geriatric to build up enough strength to squat with an empty bar on their back.
Talking of trap bars goose man, almost everyone pulls more with it....
Do you know why?
Talking of trap bars goose man, almost everyone pulls more with it....
Do you know why?
My guess would be because the weight is more in line with your centre of mass rather than being out in front like a normal deadlift. Makes it a more efficient way to lift a lot of weight.
Have you guys found any carry over from trap bar to normal deadlifts.
lol your a funny man. The actual motion of doing a standard squat for most people is not a natural movement, it puts pressure on other parts of the body which have little to do with the actual squat movement itself.
A more natural exercise would be lunges, and one can utilise weighted lunges. Lunges provide many more benefits to squats and the risk of injury is next to none compared to squats.
Try telling that to Dorian.
A trap bar lift is not a dead-lift
A leg-press is not a squat.
But all four are exercises.
Eh? I'm reading a whole lot of bullshit in these 2 paragraphs. The squat should be a natural movement, its just been conditioned out by western society. Look at any child when they drop something on the floor, down they go in a natural squat to get it, not a bloody lunge.
And as far as injury risk, weighted lunges can be very risky for the knees if not done properly and with less stability than squats they could easily be considered more dangerous in a way.
Overall I see squats as having far more benefit purely from the amount of muscle recruitment they require to perform... this is why they are a main lift and not an assistance lift like lunges.
Try taking dump using a lunge could be intredasting
I now beleive, that (for an adult) squatting to pick something up is less efficiant than bending over, the reason a baby squats is because if it didn't it would fall over.
That's why I bang on so much about the SLDL.
Try taking dump using a lunge could be intredasting
A lunge is a very unnatural movement as fair as I can tell especially compared to squatting.
Gym fellas, gym.
The best in Sydney. Or is it?