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Lol okay weighted myself just for you
never weigh myself because it's just a number don't mean nothing to me
Why so curious ???
No secrets around here.[emoji5] [emoji5]

But you arw correct. Numbers mean SFA. %'s count.
Ohhh shows how cleaver I am
thanks yeah it's all them carbs
yeah can only get better right
Thanks mate
apprecaite the welcome
oh you want to know a secret most my training is compond
Must Be all the benching
no it's the carbs
im going to make everybody a carb addict
Thanks mate
apprecaite the welcome
oh you want to know a secret most my training is compond
Must Be all the benching
no it's the carbs
im going to make everybody a carb addict
Coumpounds are great for adding mass. Isolations are great too for the finishing touches esp for the quads, calves, hammies and shoulders.

Also we love carbs..all of them ???
That's all I do
you die on your ass if you actually knew how much i ate
thats all I think about dream about and can live without
give me food and im happy
wake up food
few hours later oh food then few more hours pass food
then pre post work out then dinner then gotta eat before bed because wake up in the middle of the night hungry
yes food cost me a fortune
That's all I do
you die on your ass if you actually knew how much i ate
thats all I think about dream about and can live without
give me food and im happy
wake up food
few hours later oh food then few more hours pass food
then pre post work out then dinner then gotta eat before bed because wake up in the middle of the night hungry
yes food cost me a fortune
Dayum...I food loving gal...
I better bite my tongue now. [emoji16]
Yes your right
but there is no point putting icing on the cake
without a cake
its like guys with huge arms but no legs
i like to train the larger muscle first
or explame mix it up
sqauts deads shoulder
cheast quads hammies
but always start with the main groups