Jacinda Adern is a piece of shit. I've been watching how she and New Zealand reacts to this China chit. Of the Five Eyes ( U.S., Britian, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) New Zealand was the only one NOT to sign the condemnation of China's ILLEGAL arrest of Hong Kong activists.
"Foreign ministers from the United States, Canada, Britain and Australia condemned the arrest of over 50 opposition parliamentarians and democracy activists in Hong Kong in a joint statement on Sunday.
The four members of the Five Eyes agreement (New Zealand did not sign the condemnation) have called upon China to respect the freedoms these island peoples enjoy."
This has been her tactic ever since this started. All those people the CCP enslaves, tortures and Murders, she couldn't care less about. If it were her she'd be screaming like the Bitch she is.
Secondly, the code is "if your Mate is in a fight you're in a fight"! (ANZAC, ANZUS treaty). Yet she abandons those who protect New Zealand. Whenever she wants something, she comes running to big Brother Australia, U.S., BritiIan etc.
What a spineless self interest weasel.