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BCAA's still make you feel good Mick?

Not for a long time, or at least since I have done some research and confirmed my original suspicion that it does nothing. I have never claimed to not have used supplements, quite the opposite actually, I have used plenty before I knew any better, and when I believed the hype on the label.

The thing is some people learn and educate themselves and adjust their behaviour (ie learn from your mistakes) others just keep going even after they have been educated.
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Ok Mick. Sure.
How about the Red Bulls / Mother's? Long time ago as well?

Mothers, can't remember now, red bull about 3 weeks ago when I did night shift, still have on in the fridge, was 2 for $4 I think.

Not sure what difference it makes either way.
You confused again??

What does a 200kg dead lift have to do with having a BBQ for my daughters birthday?? If I was training to do a 200kg dead lift pretty sure I would be doing them, but since I am not how does it relate to anything??

Can you run 10km and do 50 hand stand push ups?? If not may be shut the fuck up?? Oh, you haven't been practicing hand stand push ups?? May be if you did people would take you serious when you have a BBQ.:p

Someone as hardcore as you should be able to smash out 200 any day of the week.

Do you even lift.
You seem to take things a bit seriously lately, I have been sick of some of the posts here for a few years now (eve started a thread about it a while back), decided if you can't beat them join them, so may be have a spoon full of concrete or otherwise the big bad be the internet is not the place for you:confused:

You can easily achieve your goals with a balanced diet of proper food, his results are despite of his diet not because of it.

Mick at 30%BF telling Steve how to get into contest shape. Lol.
I eat healthy all the time, pretty sure I eat more healthy on a daily basis than what you do.

I think you are every confused about what 'healthy' is.

Tell me one healthy or even beneficial thing about rice cakes or gluten free cakes or out of date rubbish from the local food court presumably washed down with BCAA's that are straining your organs??

I would not touch anything out of a food court prepared from questionable ingredients with questionable hygiene standards, especially at the end of the day after it's been sitting there all day with people coughing and sneezing all over it and bacteria breeding in it, just the thought makes me feel ill, my health is worth more than that to me I would rather skip that meal and eat when I get home or eat my food that I take to work.

Why is a BBQ a cheat meal?? It's meat, it's protein, it's BCAA's, it's a crap load better for you then gluten free cakes and rice cakes etc etc

I been training since well before you crawled out of your mums nether region and shit your first nappy and I am still going, come back in another 20 or 30 years and see how you will be going??

BCAAs straining your organs.

If you are worried about that better not eat large amounts of steak.
C'mon kunce. Big Mick just trying to make Ausbb great again. Take no shit Mickey!

Here is one that will upset old flubber guts. I have a gas BBQ. I don't have time time to fuck around with coals.

It's funny one minute big Mick is the supp king and anyone not doing it is stupid, now he hates supps so anyone on supps is an idiot.
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Back on topic. What am I eating. Not much. Getting shredded for summer bra. Eggs for lunch and some meat, potato and veg for dinner. Averaging 3000 calories.

Mrs is loving the abs coming back.
Buy any new Cars lately [MENTION=8428]Big Mick[/MENTION]; Doing up any new Cars Mickey? Got any pics?
I eat healthy all the time, pretty sure I eat more healthy on a daily basis than what you do.

I think you are every confused about what 'healthy' is.

Tell me one healthy or even beneficial thing about rice cakes or gluten free cakes or out of date rubbish from the local food court presumably washed down with BCAA's that are straining your organs??

I would not touch anything out of a food court prepared from questionable ingredients with questionable hygiene standards, especially at the end of the day after it's been sitting there all day with people coughing and sneezing all over it and bacteria breeding in it, just the thought makes me feel ill, my health is worth more than that to me I would rather skip that meal and eat when I get home or eat my food that I take to work.

Why is a BBQ a cheat meal?? It's meat, it's protein, it's BCAA's, it's a crap load better for you then gluten free cakes and rice cakes etc etc

I been training since well before you crawled out of your mums nether region and shit your first nappy and I am still going, come back in another 20 or 30 years and see how you will be going??

If you're so healthy, prove it. Weight, measurements, blood work, progress tracking, etc. Put your money where you mouth is.

The benefit or rice cakes or any other specifically selected macro heavy food is nutritional partitioning. I see food as a fuel source or simply building blocks for my body. Sure, it tastes awesome, but you need to select food based on your needs. I wouldn't expect you to understand if the penny hasn't dropped by now.

People sneezing all over food in a food court? What are you talking about? Oh, do you still have your panties in a bunch about my chicken and rice meal? It was a discounted, sealed in a container, surplus, but made a few hours earlier meal from the sushi section in Woolworths. So now you have a problem with chicken and rice as well as supplements? Well which is it?

And please link me to any studies to say that BCAAs (amino acids, you know in all protein) is killing my organs.

You really need to stop your obsession with me and put that attention towards your own health and fitness. If you call what you're doing now "training" for 20 years, I definitely hope I'm not doing that. I train nearly every day; either resistance, riding, hiking, body weight. I eat healthy with a few supplements that help me reach my goals and stay on track, I get outdoors and organise social activities with my friends, I don't feel restricted in my eating, yet maintain a reasonable body fat level without even trying, I never get injured and I even gave competing a crack. I think that's a pretty healthy and balanced relationship with fitness. What have you done in the last 5 years apart from whinge on this forum and criticise people actually achieving their goals?
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If you're so healthy, prove it. Weight, measurements, blood work, progress tracking, etc. Put your money where you mouth is.

The benefit or rice cakes or any other specifically selected macro heavy food is nutritional partitioning. I see food as a fuel source or simply building blocks for my body. Sure, it tastes awesome, but you need to select food based on your needs. I wouldn't expect you to understand if the penny hasn't dropped by now.

People sneezing all over food in a food court? What are you talking about? Oh, do you still have your panties in a bunch about my chicken and rice meal? It was a discounted, sealed in a container, surplus, but made a few hours earlier meal from the sushi section in Woolworths. So now you have a problem with chicken and rice as well as supplements? Well which is it?

And please link me to any studies to say that BCAAs (amino acids, you know in all protein) is killing my organs.

You really need to stop your obsession with me and put that attention towards your own health and fitness. If you call what you're doing now "training" for 20 years, I definitely hope I'm not doing that. I train nearly every day; either resistance, riding, hiking, body weight. I eat healthy with a few supplements that help me reach my goals and stay on track, I get outdoors and organise social activities with my friends, I don't feel restricted in my eating, yet maintain a reasonable body fat level without even trying, I never get injured and I even gave competing a crack. I think that's a pretty healthy and balanced relationship with fitness. What have you done in the last 5 years apart from whinge on this forum and criticise people actually achieving their goals?

I remember A Current Affair doing testing on a Food Court here is Brissy. The food failed appallingly.

Don't worry bout Mickey. He's just fuckin with yah. Like Durko likes to troll everyone, Mickey's trying to make Ausbb great again.

Good stuff Lads! :)
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