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I've been using the brand Sting since the start of the year. Going much better than those Harbinger shitty gloves. I had a pair and they didn't last a month before falling apart.
lol on way from gym I saw asian guy walk straight into a metal street pole as he was messing with iphone. The lady next to him just laughed
Yesterday i encountered a lad i work with in the gym doing chest (well it was a monday) and he proceeded to bench press 3/4 the way down only. Being a powerlifting (or atleast try to be) i said 'hey bro why dont you touch your chest when you bench' his reply was classic considering he wasnt really that much bigger than me if at all.

"i can't touch my chest with the bar because my lats are too big"

wow! i pointed at my other buddy who has a 30inch waist and has to be close to 50inch chest, 'he does chest touching reps'

Also invited him to squat on friday, 'i dont train on fridays i travel home for the weekend, it means i always miss leg day but as long as i get chest in'

double wow!
Speaking of hand condoms a.k.a gloves, I saw a trainer help this newbie fit gloves AND a pair of wrist straps before getting her to deadlift... an empty bar. The knurling must have been really hard on those princessy hands.

Later on in the same sesh I was doing ab rolls, halfway thru my set I was rollin' up I am greeted with a huge ass half a metre in front of my face, followed a second after by a kettlebell swinging straight down onto the floor with a heavy thud.
Silly milf was trying to kettle bell swing right in front of where I was set up!
Her highly questionable form was too hard to ignore so I *almost* offered some advice for safety's sake but then I remembered what a vulnerable position I was in so I declined.

I remember seeing guys in Afghan cut the fingers off their issue combat gloves to use in the gym....

Lol no day is leg day

Went to the gym last night to get some testing done... So many hotties in there I wanted to stay. Also heard some kunce grunting so loud the staff were worried. Fkn show offs.
Seems the latest fashion at the gym is NBA singlets every kunce wearing em..

Skinny kunce at the gym with his two mates most nights would struggle to be 60kg dripping wet wearing full skins and a little singlet. So wrong! Skins are not pants
No man, skins def not pants, kunce are wearing em without shorts on top, what is this Sherwood Forest? Kunce no Robin Hood.
I thought those compression pants were for cyclist? Since its tight around legs it wont get caught in the chain, maybe they cbf getting changed. Looks lame though
a chick yesterday felt the need to change t-shirt singlet thing half way through her workout, so she did it right there on the gym floor, down to sports bra, then new shirt on, good girl i say and nice rack too......was happy
a chick yesterday felt the need to change t-shirt singlet thing half way through her workout, so she did it right there on the gym floor, down to sports bra, then new shirt on, good girl i say and nice rack too......was happy

God bless her.
Thats what I miss training at home...
Today I saw my female client doing very neat deep front squats -- chest up, elbows up, seldom any buttwink. I also saw marked progress on her sumo DL form. I then saw one of the martial arts guys thinking he knows how to coach a squat, putting 80kg on the back of a middle-age woman. Movement pattern was not even reaching 90 degrees at the knees (let alone parallel), no hip drive, chest depressed, bar on traps but not supported by them, any core activation was accidental. I can tolerate shallow squats if they're safe, but there was nothing resembling safe there. This is the same guy who, months ago, I saw getting a girl who could barely clean or press an empty barbell to clean and press a 30kg hex bar (I chose not to ask why, because it's intuitively obvious that whatever his reasoning for that was, it was retarded). I'm surprised he hasn't been fired for injuring someone yet.