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A mate of mine who has worked for many years in the fishing industry was actually quite shocked that I ate basa fish. He reckons it's a well known fact they are farmed in dirty, shit filled water and injected with hormones etc in Vietnam. I can honestly say I won't ever eat it again after read these articles.

Panga is the original name for it.

Don’t Eat this fish: Pangas (Pangasius, Vietnamese River Cobbler, White Catfish, Gray Sole) | Diet Mind Spirit

"Panga is industrially farmed in Vietnam along the Mekong River which is apparently one of the most polluted rivers in the world resulting in fish that contains high levels of bacteria; namely arsenic, industrial effluents and toxic and hazardous by-products, metal contaminants, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), chlordane-related compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB)."

It is quite cheap, hence the popularity I guess. Coles sell 1kg bags for like $10.
I wouldn't say it will kill you if you eat it, but I am grateful for my mate for telling me. A fellow bodybuilder also told me about it, so I am shocked to say the least.
A mate of mine who has worked for many years in the fishing industry was actually quite shocked that I ate basa fish. He reckons it's a well known fact they are farmed in dirty, shit filled water and injected with hormones etc in Vietnam. I can honestly say I won't ever eat it again after read these articles.

Panga is the original name for it.

Don’t Eat this fish: Pangas (Pangasius, Vietnamese River Cobbler, White Catfish, Gray Sole) | Diet Mind Spirit

"Panga is industrially farmed in Vietnam along the Mekong River which is apparently one of the most polluted rivers in the world resulting in fish that contains high levels of bacteria; namely arsenic, industrial effluents and toxic and hazardous by-products, metal contaminants, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), chlordane-related compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB)."

It is quite cheap, hence the popularity I guess. Coles sell 1kg bags for like $10.
I wouldn't say it will kill you if you eat it, but I am grateful for my mate for telling me. A fellow bodybuilder also told me about it, so I am shocked to say the least.

You dont want to know hald the shit i will tell you not to eat:p

i.e all your beef and chickens here unless organic have antibiotics and hormones... Beef is castraed then pumped full of oestrogen... Remember hormones are fat soluble so you eat the meat or drink the milk the hormones are in the fat.

Since majority of westernised countries main forms of cancer are hormone related i.e prostate and breat. It doesnt take much to put 2 and 2 together...

Thanks for the heads up on the fish
So all the meat you eat is organic noobs? Doesn't lamb have restrictions on chemicals etc being pumped into them?
So all the meat you eat is organic noobs? Doesn't lamb have restrictions on chemicals etc being pumped into them?

Not everything i eat is organic because i am a student with medical bills coming out his arse...

I eat organic beef, lamb has restrictions yes that is why i eat it instead of beef.

However i eat organic chicken...

So its only lamb i dont eat that is organic and we do go out for dinner so i have no control over what i eat their..

Did you know that our beef here isnt accepted by certain countries becasue of what we do to it... In fact we have 2 types of beef 1 we ****ed up and sell to us and another that is free of crpa that we use for exprot.

How sad and pathetic is that..
Landline - 5/05/2002: Challenging food safety myths . Australian Broadcasting Corp

have a look at that noobs and tell me what you think. I personally work in the ag industry so I will make note to talk to a few cattle farmers about the hormones etc when I get a chance.

Im not in a concentraiton mood atm so i skimmed it..

Chickens are fed a lot of antibiotics so they really feel that there is a lot of suggestion in research, I wouldn't say it's proven fact, but certainly there's suggestion in research that the antibiotics in food may have contributed to the antibiotic resistance that is occurring in the general population," Ms Hourigan said.

They go on aobut chickens but im not wworried aobut hormones in chicken its the antibiotics...

ITs beef that is castrated in feed lots and then fed oestrogen oestradiol and BGH

Also with chickens it is what they are fed and how they are kept... Not an issue with hormones, They have totally side stepped that argument so i stopped reading that dribble.

I know we have some different practices here but watch food inc and check out america...
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I have it downloaded just havent had the time yet. I only got half way through food matters as well so far. To busy watching pumping iron :P
I am very involved with fishing and am extremely picky when it comes to fish. Even shit in supermarkets and other fish shops are substandard (in terms of how they are handled and looked after), let alone something from the filthy Mekong Delta over in Asia.
Mekong perch, or what ever you wanna call it, is also a popular fish in all you can eat resturants!! cheap is usually nasty!.
I don't eat it cos it tastes like shit!!! lol
Plus I'm used to spearing/catching my own.
Yuck, that fish taste like shit. I rather spend up and buy quality, like panthatonian toothfish LOL or just the good 'ol tuna or salmon. Mmmm, smoked salmon.

Just with the stuff about beef mentioned in the first page of this thread, is that true or what? Have I been eating too much oestrogen and about to grow boobies??
Yuck, that fish taste like shit. I rather spend up and buy quality, like panthatonian toothfish LOL or just the good 'ol tuna or salmon. Mmmm, smoked salmon.

Just with the stuff about beef mentioned in the first page of this thread, is that true or what? Have I been eating too much oestrogen and about to grow boobies??

The fish will be fine and don't worry about any of the shit at the start of the thread. Eat beef, its good.