If I'm going to come clean, this is a major issue for me and no doubt it's 99.99% of the reason I fail reaching my goals.
If I'm training and have a plan, my diet is is great, I plan my meals, I stick to the plan and results slowly follow.
Recently I did an injury whilst lifting, I convinced myself I needed the rest anyway so relaxed a little on the food for a week. Decided to lift again, injury was still aggravated so I continued on my relaxed diet, then this leas into a weeks holidays I had planned so convinced myself I'd start again after the holiday but this was just before easter and so the chocolate eggs came out and a week after easter I had a camping trip book so put the diet on the back burner til I got back and when I did get back was only 2 more days til the next long weekend and here I am.
1 month of eating crap and no workouts and it's no surprise I feel like crap.
So for me I have a major issue, I'm either all in or all out. As long as I remember food has been a treat or something to enjoy but I gotta break this habit.
So I need to learn some hard truths and get to the root cause and I'm being vulnerable here by admitting my weakness and lack of discipline.
I was reading an old PTC transformation blog where Markos writes about emotional eating and his cure so to speak was for 2 weeks, 185g of Tuna and vegetables 5 times per day. Extreme yes, but is it worth a shot for someone weak willed like me?
Who or has anyone overcome emotional eating?