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Lo and behold, Sky News uses Ian Plimer as it Climate Change Propogandist


Video interview of Ian Plimer at Sky News falsely claims that a new study announces an incoming ice age, partly based on an incorrect Daily Mail headline"​

February 1, 2012

"Gina Rinehart appoints Prof Ian Plimer to two boards

GINA Rinehart has appointed controversial climate change sceptic Ian Plimer to the board of several key family companies."

Sky News again using Gina Rinehart's Geologist Ian Plimer as a Climate Change Propogandist

Ian Plimer Geologist Mining exploration company owner and on the Board of two of Gina Rinehart's mining companies is somehow a credible climate change Scienctist. Considering 99.9% of Scientists consider him full of shit

Follow the money.
Arrest after man in Gosport spotted 'having sex with dog at home with curtains open'
Did they ask the dog if it gave consent? If it did then the mans done nothing wrong.
Climate Change isn't real. Covid isn't real. Is he anti vax? LMAO.
CV is a scam 100%, no doubt about it.
Commentator Mike Carlton labelled Jones's COVID-19 comments as "dangerous" and "reckless".[141]"
"dangerous" and "reckless" OR safe and smart........
probably due to his anti Gun, anti NRA, anti Trump views IMO.
Sounds like a smart guy.....
I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you lol.
Great, i'm in the market for a bridge right now, how much?
Shit needs to be said, unlike those softcock, homo, poofo, lezzo, greeny feral hipster kunce that follow the common script main stream media.
when a African gang attacks someone, it needs to reported that an African gang attacked someone, not a group of youths
You racist cunt.
Mainstream media is scripted, controlled and corrupt.
Fuk this left wing politically sold out chicken shit faggots that dance to the tune of their paycheque.
I have no time or empathy for left kunce, right wing all the way for me, shit needs to dealt with not painted blue and called something else.
Left wing, right wing etc etc, what animal is it that they are always referring to because i never hear "left foot, right foot" or "left hand, right hand" etc. It must be a flying animal of some sort due to the constant referring of "wings", maybe a chicken wing? or a turkey wing? how about a duck wing? either way some animal with wings is being mentioned quite a bit and i highly doubt they have seeked the approval from the animal about the continuous mentioning of its wings.....Does anyone stop to think about how the winged animal feels about all this?

I do like chicken wings though, can't go wrong with chicken wings :cool:
Sounds like a smart guy.....

Great, i'm in the market for a bridge right now, how much?


You racist cunt.


Left wing, right wing etc etc, what animal is it that they are always referring to because i never hear "left foot, right foot" or "left hand, right hand" etc. It must be a flying animal of some sort due to the constant referring of "wings", maybe a chicken wing? or a turkey wing? how about a duck wing? either way some animal with wings is being mentioned quite a bit and i highly doubt they have seeked the approval from the animal about the continuous mentioning of its wings.....Does anyone stop to think about how the winged animal feels about all this?

I do like chicken wings though, can't go wrong with chicken wings :cool:
How de fuk am I racist kunce by calling an African gang an African gang?
This is the exact shit that makes us so fuken paranoid about political correctness that we are afraid to call a spade a spade.
Thomas the tank engine is now gender neutral and saying Christmas is taboo.
All cos of soft cock politically scared kunce like YOU!
Our Society is just saturated by Feminism and female rights. Makes me lol when some Dude has the courage to say something like this: ... XYZ, hot as, but unfortunately she's got her licker licence, she's very good at it..."

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Can you do some research on the phasing out/making illegal to sell diesel Cars please @Shrek . Can they only be used for commercial purposes.
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How's Scott Morrison. I call him "two touch". The first time he touches something he fucks it up, has to go back a second time to fix it.
Whoever wins the upcoming election is gunna receive a "hospital pass" I fear - Inflation and the necessary lifting of Interest Rates aggressively.
Bring on this year's Election I says. Let's get a quick sharp reality check rather than this Molly coddling porke barrelling chit. Let's see what Books really look like, right @Shrek
Both major parties will come out saying we love and embrace our LGBITNB brothers and sisters. Pauline Hanson will come out saying we'll hunt them and Clive Palmer and Craig Kelly will say it's coz the Government are putting something in our drinking water turning us all LGBTQNB.
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Wonder how long until jacinda Arden allows China to build a Naval or Air base in New Zealand.
What a treacherous traitorous Cow.