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I've been going over the idea of eating raw food.

The idea of eating raw beef, chicken doesn't really appeal but I've read so much to support the idea that it is healthier in that it increases test levels, deacreases subcutanous fat and such.

Having to eat less appeals to me, 500gm of raw meat digest a lot faster than cooked and it sort indicates to me that if the body does this it's clearly sending a message that it needs the nutrients not available in the cooked form.
ATM my meat is cooked but I do like blood rare, I have been told it need to be cooked to kill parasites, I need to investigate further but grass fed beef would be the wat to go instead of grain fed or corn fed.
Raw fish for me would not be a problem.

Many of the old physical culturelists did indeed eat raw.
Jack lalane being one.
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The problem is we we have contmainated our food supply by feedign shit to animals they were not supposed to eat. I was watching food inc. Apparently feeding cows corn and soy has resulted in a superstrain of ecoli. There was a mother who is trying to pass a law in america that if a plant breaches certain rules x amountof times they will permenantly be closed down as this isnt the case. Her son ate a hamburger and died because of it...

That is ridiculous...

We pump so much antibiotics and hormones into animals to keep them alive because of the conditions we keep them in. How can we expect to be healthy if what we eat is not?
As an aside, just after world war two and the deppression many where malnourished especially the young, quite opposite to the problems we face today.

It was quite common for people like bob Hoffman to take a young person, stop him from lifting for a month and force feed them with milk and meat, supplying them with the required nutrients create an environment where the body grew, people where amazed at the results.

Today is quite the opposite I see young people over feeding.
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I think if I choose to eat raw then you are spot on noobs, chossing meat that is less stressed the better.
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I think if I choose to eat raw then you are spot on noobs, chossing meat that is less stressed the better.
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My girlfriend eats raw meat...

There is a good argument for vegetarianism...

If brains eyeballs flesh ect discust you then how does eating the muscle of an animal not? Carniveorus animals eat basically all of the animal hey have killed not just the muscles..

We go to the supermarket and buy a nice red piece of muscle that is cleaned and pretty packaged.

So do we really want to eat it or is it simply a cultural thing?

Go shoot a cow cut it up and eat it.. If you can then yep your a meat eater if this turns you off then think to yourself why am i fine with eating what im eating?

I believe it is totally cultural... Look at the different cultures of the world and see what they eat, my girlfriend is from a lebanese background she eats raw meat but only certain types and she wont eat a rare steak though...
Go shoot a cow cut it up and eat it.. If you can then yep your a meat eater if this turns you off then think to yourself why am i fine with eating what im eating?

I disagree, you should be able to hunt your prey in the wild any dick can shoot a cow in a paddock. The rest still stands.
I disagree, you should be able to hunt your prey in the wild any dick can shoot a cow in a paddock. The rest still stands.

With a spear? A spear was something devloped by man.. same same..

So unless you go kill it with your bear hands well .. yeah lol

Good luck finding a wild cow..

I suppose you could go find a big red but it would probably flog **** through you lol...
Just had lunch.

150g Chicken breast, covered in chili powder, with 200g mixed veg.

Was nice and spicy!
I use my teeth noobs, take down a big buck with a flying superman bite

My point is the same as yours but shooting a cow in a paddock is not really a test. Even a gun (hunting on foot in a forest I might add) is a good test but really a spear or something you can only make by hand with materials available to you out in the wild. Also I was thinking of hunting an animal that is not a cow, maybe a deer or kangaroo or joanna grigs (thats for you shrek though she may be considered a cow).
5x rashers of bacon
3x poached eggs

2x carrots
2x oranges

5x scones over a period of time
4x cups of tea over a period of time
6x cups of water over a period of time

I'm going to continue eating meat and eggs for breakfast i have limitless energy and no fuzzy head!
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