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two chicks walk into the weights area and start playing with balls??
is that like putting bananas in your trolley in North Sydney? :D
two chicks walk into the weights area and start playing with balls??
is that like putting bananas in your trolley in North Sydney? :D

Lol, I remember this! Different items in your top basket to advertise what you were "looking" for
some douchebag posing in the mirror and waiting for people to leave so he could take his shirt off and take a pic lol. Oh wait that was me... It was quite late, 9.30pm, so only a few girls on cardio area, 1 guy just about to leave so im like yes, then 2 guys walk in... dammit. Don't ask why i had to take a pic.

also some fag doing bench press after me, putting on same weight as me and doing it with his spotter assisting every single rep, then i swear he gave me a little smirk when he finished his set. After that he went and did db incline bench.. no spotter.. struggling on 20kg. Guess who gave a little smirk then!!!
There is this PT at the gym and i sometimes see him training with his friends. Last night he was doing bench press and he loads up 130kg and does 3 reps - all 3 didnt actually touch his chest.

The first one it looked as though was all him. Then the other 2 where assisted big time.

Soon as he racked the bar he sits up quickly and says, "where they all me?"

Spotter: "First one was but i helped the other two"

PT: *looks dissapointed* "Okay... but how much did you help?"

I shook my head and walked off lol.
some douchebag posing in the mirror and waiting for people to leave so he could take his shirt off and take a pic lol. Oh wait that was me... It was quite late, 9.30pm, so only a few girls on cardio area, 1 guy just about to leave so im like yes, then 2 guys walk in... dammit. Don't ask why i had to take a pic.

also some fag doing bench press after me, putting on same weight as me and doing it with his spotter assisting every single rep, then i swear he gave me a little smirk when he finished his set. After that he went and did db incline bench.. no spotter.. struggling on 20kg. Guess who gave a little smirk then!!!

too much smirking going on at your gym :p
saw far too many teeny boppers wearing 'Harden the Fuck Up' shirts and singlets while doing nothing that ever resembled a compound movement.

Oh wait those one arm single reverse tricep extensions are for 'shaping'...
now that the years 12's have finished , getting an influx of the little turds flooding the gym , all in their guido gym gear
funny shit watching them do their broceps

all walking around like they have rolls of carpets under their twig arms
Not saying you are one of them Liam. I know you don't do that, cause Curves doesn't allow that type of rubbish from it's members :D
yep schools out, need a job now.

haha max, snap is almost as bad as curves/jetts, it just has barbells. Sooo many douchebags around.
I saw something real sad. A bro trainer was doing an all arm workout and it seemed he managed to get his GF into it as well. The poor girl thin as a rake in need of some heavy benching and squatting did set after set after set of curls: over 45 mins worth. Then they started on triceps with cable push downs and I left.
I felt so sad for the poor misguided girl.
She has not been sighted since... bastard fucked her sideways...:mad::mad::mad:
Yesterday, whilst resting between sets, i see a guy load up 80kg for his bench press, no spotter. I looked somewhere else as not to stare, then looked at him again and the barbell was on his lap, then he rolled it onto the floor and took 2x10kg plates off. He then had another go with 60kg and managed a couple of reps before failure and proceeded to take the 2x20kg plates off. A few more reps of the bar and he was done.

Yesterday, whilst resting between sets, i see a guy load up 80kg for his bench press, no spotter. I looked somewhere else as not to stare, then looked at him again and the barbell was on his lap, then he rolled it onto the floor and took 2x10kg plates off. He then had another go with 60kg and managed a couple of reps before failure and proceeded to take the 2x20kg plates off. A few more reps of the bar and he was done.


Dedicated rest (extended lap) pause dropset combo bro.
i see the same guy who comes in around the time i do who always feels the need to workout with his hat on backwards, and then after each set, for his 2 minute break, he looks at himself constantly in the mirror & walks around like he owns the gym..

backwards hat + admire self = gains ?
did i miss something ?