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I do.

Had a massive chunder training legs friday,

doing single leg pressing , my mate throws the challenge out for the 4th set.. 100reps..got to 88 I think then it was end game.
I do.

Had a massive chunder training legs friday,

doing single leg pressing , my mate throws the challenge out for the 4th set.. 100reps..got to 88 I think then it was end game.

Well i was shocked when he said it so u could be right, it makes a bit of sense to me considering the stress rugby players shoulders would be under.
I dont believe he would lie to me for the sake of it.

I dont think he would lie on purpose but many, not all, physios have it out for barbell weight training. He could be spot on but i am always wary of some physios advise. You often hear the blanket statements from them that squats blow out your knees and deadlifts stuff you back. Maybe get a second opinion.

LMAO, love it...
I do.

Had a massive chunder training legs friday,

doing single leg pressing , my mate throws the challenge out for the 4th set.. 100reps..got to 88 I think then it was end game.

did you do the chunder dragon?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIR314oapUw]CHUNDER DRAGON!!!!!!!! - YouTube[/ame]
chunder dragon!!!

ill add something to this thread i saw last week -

So i was doing leg press, some guy preacher curling behind me, then some very skinny kid who i always see at the gym just chatting away, comes up and starts talking to him, im like 2m away listening to his crap how he took double shots or whatever and blah blah hes cool ect ect, trying to sound hardcore.. cool story bro.

Some guy benching 110kg for reps.. all way down, but doesn't even look like he lifts one bit? Ok sure some people's goal are strength, but he should look somewhat like he lifts if hes repping 110kg.

People looking at me when doing dumbbell snatches, yes im doing an exercise that not many people do.. so what stop staring lol
On another note he said he knows that the wallabies only bench to within to fists distance from there chests which pretty far away.

I can pretty much rule that out as bullshit

A: I have seen the Aus Sevens team train, while they're not the greatest Benchers you will ever see, they all bounce the bar of their chest

B: Any second year sport science student will be able to explain the amount of reversal load that places on the included joints

Man some people are fucking idiots.

Most physios are complete shit, and as some people have mentioned, have it out for bodybuilders / powerlifters, or just lifting weights in general. Which I find ridiculous, considering that if everyone lifted weights (properly and with good form), they would probably be out of a job.....
Well my experience with physios is limited to the one visit so wouldnt really know, i didnt get that impression and he seemed to know a bit about it but i guess we are all human.

On another note i saw a guy doing 1 arm db rows with the worst form ever, he was doing them on and incline bench with massive curved spine. It fucking hurt my back to look at, i wanted to say something but held my tongue.
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How about this. Decline press on a flat bench.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReDrTmfUGaY]WORST BENCH PRESS EVER. - YouTube[/ame]
seen that one a few times...saw one guy fall off the bench once. I did nothing but laugh...
couldnt help it! He was okay though.

plenty of youngin's benching with feet up...? and going for pb's doing it.
My brothers just about graduated from physiotheraphy.. wooh free physio sessions. Hes my lifting partner most of the time when hes not busy from uni.
Haha, thats funny I love it!

Not sure if this has been posted before, but when ever I need a real laugh I watch this, it puts me in stitches

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z69JBYduL1c]Dinosaur Training - YouTube[/ame]

Even some of the people around him, like the bloke doing incline sit ups in the fore ground at about 38 seconds, moves about 2 inches pulling himself up with his hands.....how about do them on the ground first if you can't do inclines...
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When I was doing something in the cage this guy walked up to the bench then jumped onto the step where the spotter goes.

I finished my set then was like "this gon be good" and watched him take the bar off the bench stands and start curling it xD. But it kept hitting the bench and clanking and shit on every rep lmao. Eventually he went to the other side of the bench and took it off that way
I hope that species of dinosaur quickly becomes endangered. Not extinct, just endangered. Then we can put it in the zoo, and charge a neat little fee for people to get to see it.