Punxsutawney resident
Banana flour? where did you get that????
I've not tried it...would love to!
I have a meeting on Monday with a company that makes lupin flour and lupin food products. It's all very new and there is huge potential. If all goes to plan, I will be involved in some of the development but all depends on the deal lol. It's really high in nutritional value, high in protein and fibre (legume). Makes great bread too.
Coffee flour won't be available until late in 2015. The company developing and producing it have sent me a sample tub of it with which to experiment with recipe development.
So I'm having some fun with it with pastry applications and I'll have a go at some macro friendly stuff too as ultimately, it's not just yum, it's also a really nutritionally balanced and awesome food.
It's made with the coffee berry that gets discarded when coffee beans are harvested. It has some caffeine but the amounts are more like dark chocolate and therefore less than coffee beans.
It is really high in fibre and a host of nutrients but it's flavour is so cool!! It has notes of dried cherries and prunes (succulent dried fruits) with a hint of spices and just a little bit of smokiness. Awesomeness.
I made my doughnuts and just gilded them with a little vanilla creme piped inside and some brandy glaze (maybe a little too boozy lol).
So good with the flavour of the flour
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I thought I'd move here rather than hijack the other thread. It was from Qld, from a shop called 'The Source', bulk health foods type place, and I know there is actually one at Prahran but The banana flour doesn't come up on their website so I'd say it's not a core product but one that is available in their Qld store(s). I have no idea what the macros are (pretty similar to a banana sans the moisture I'd imagine) but I'm sure you could find an application for it.
I had a look at that coffee flour FB page, looks good, nutritious and sustainable, and with a taste profile like ^^that couldn't go too far wrong. The nutritional profile of Lupin sounds fantastic, keep us informed as to what eventuates with that! Those doughnuts look amazing! Too boozey?? Surely you jest