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haha thanks mate :)

If anything I have low blood pressure so I guess I've got nothing to worry about.

And yes, my bacon salt gets used regularly!
really? I had to order it from usafoods. Yeah, it's tasty as! I usually put it on veggies or chicken. Got the baconnaise as well & had that on the maccas snack wraps the other day. Maccas should definitely release them!
You got me thinking now, but yeah I'm pretty sure my woolies had it. I may have still been half asleep when I lasted did the shopping though :D

I get funny looks when I go into macca's, order 3 burgers and then sit there and eat them without the bun :D

FYI, not due to the carbs, due to the gluten :(

Hang on a second my own thread is being taken off topic and turned into a food thread :D
haha, it's all you bro :P

I've actually done that with mcmuffins. 3mcmuffins, minus muffin & pile em up. Worked well. Have to cool a bit so you don't burn your fingers.
3 double beef and cheese for me. All the buns too though I might drop the carbs down and merge them to 6 beef patty burger in one bun if I have taken in too many carbs already.

By the way thanks guys I am starving and working...
Just wondering you're thoughts on a majority of protein coming from powders? Specifically in the case of vegetarians who don't really have that many high protein options.

I would be thinking that if the options are low on protein or protein from powders that option b would be the go for sure.

And could the fact that the digestion of the powders seems to be a whole lot quicker than something like a steak could come into it if the person was IF'ing? Or still basically just come down to total amount consumer per day/week whatever?
Just wondering you're thoughts on a majority of protein coming from powders? Specifically in the case of vegetarians who don't really have that many high protein options.

I would be thinking that if the options are low on protein or protein from powders that option b would be the go for sure.

And could the fact that the digestion of the powders seems to be a whole lot quicker than something like a steak could come into it if the person was IF'ing? Or still basically just come down to total amount consumer per day/week whatever?
Honestly, it would not be a problem at all, from a macronutrient intake point of view.

I guess the limitation would be that the core 'protein' based food types also offer micronutrients, so that would need to be accounted for and made up in other food type intake areas.

With digestion, not really a big deal as all the protein, fats, fibre and carbohydrates will keep digestion at the typical rate if the intake of micronutrients was similar between a vego or carnivore LOL The only difference being the overall EE due to the processing of the macro's from protein will be much easier and 'cost' less due to less waste product to remove. I.E WPI protein powder is 90% protein (so only 10% waste) yet a steak is only 20% protein. So much more waste and through the digestion process.

Make sense? :)
Maxbrenner: Max I have a quick question I would like you to answer for me. I know that eating a post workout meal within 1hr is a myth, as I have read your articles. What I want to know is how long before a workout should the pre-workout meal be consumed?
Say I eat lunch at 1pm, and then workout around 4pm, is this sufficient enough for the digestive breakdown of my meal to be effective post workout and does that even matter?

EDIT: Or is eating any time in the day before your workout good enough? Say as long as I eat breakfast, than the rest of my meals that day don't matter what time they are consumed as I have already eaten after my night time fasted state.
I eat 3 meals a day by the way, the usual breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Or, all said and done, should I just eat my 3 meals a day watching my total calorie intake and workout whenever I want, not worry about nutrient timing at all?

Thanks in advance
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Maxbrenner: Max I have a quick question I would like you to answer for me. I know that eating a post workout meal within 1hr is a myth, as I have read your articles. What I want to know is how long before a workout should the pre-workout meal be consumed?
Say I eat lunch at 1pm, and then workout around 4pm, is this sufficient enough for the digestive breakdown of my meal to be effective post workout and does that even matter?

EDIT: Or is eating any time in the day before your workout good enough? Say as long as I eat breakfast, than the rest of my meals that day don't matter what time they are consumed as I have already eaten after my night time fasted state.
I eat 3 meals a day by the way, the usual breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Or, all said and done, should I just eat my 3 meals a day watching my total calorie intake and workout whenever I want, not worry about nutrient timing at all?

Thanks in advance

Won't matter mate unless your training fasted. Your body will still be digesting your lunch at 4pm.
@Gunner: So I would be right to assume that I can just chow down at my regular times and train whenever I want as long as I'm not in a fasted state?
I don't train before breakfast....LOL.....I don't exit the house before breakfast :p. So I normally train around 11am, or 4pm depending on my work schedule. If I eat normal, it shouldn't matter right.
I eat breaky around 7am ish, lunch 12-1 ish, and dinner around 6-7 ish, So long as I train after breaky that day, I will be good right? (assuming I eat luch/dinner as well).
@Gunner: So I would be right to assume that I can just chow down at my regular times and train whenever I want as long as I'm not in a fasted state?
I don't train before breakfast....LOL.....I don't exit the house before breakfast :p. So I normally train around 11am, or 4pm depending on my work schedule. If I eat normal, it shouldn't matter right.
I eat breaky around 7am ish, lunch 12-1 ish, and dinner around 6-7 ish, So long as I train after breaky that day, I will be good right? (assuming I eat luch/dinner as well).

If you train at 11am, your body is still digesting your breakfast. If you train at 4pm, your body is still digesting you lunch and maybe even your breakfast.

For example, I train fasted. Last meal before I work out is the night before at 6.30pm. I train at 11am and I only have some EAA's and Beta Alanine beforehand because my body is still drawing nutrients and processing my last meal.

As long as you are consuming your required macros and calories for the day you should be right.
Maxbrenner: Max I have a quick question I would like you to answer for me. I know that eating a post workout meal within 1hr is a myth, as I have read your articles. What I want to know is how long before a workout should the pre-workout meal be consumed?
Say I eat lunch at 1pm, and then workout around 4pm, is this sufficient enough for the digestive breakdown of my meal to be effective post workout and does that even matter?

EDIT: Or is eating any time in the day before your workout good enough? Say as long as I eat breakfast, than the rest of my meals that day don't matter what time they are consumed as I have already eaten after my night time fasted state.
I eat 3 meals a day by the way, the usual breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Or, all said and done, should I just eat my 3 meals a day watching my total calorie intake and workout whenever I want, not worry about nutrient timing at all?

Thanks in advance
Graeme, mate sorry I couldn't back to you earlier :)

I've got nothing to add as Gunner explained it to exactly how it is.

Gunner, who is the that taught you?